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ID Kategorie Auswirkung Reproduzierbar Meldungsdatum Letzte Aktualisierung
111 [openPHPnuke] Core Feature Wunsch Immer 08.12.2003 22:38:13 08.12.2003 22:49:08
Reporter [manne]
Status anzeigen Öffentlich
Priorität Normal
Lösung Offen
Status Neu
Projektion Keine
Aufwand Keiner
Zusammenfassung Would it be nice to have a 'RegisterFunction' function.
Beschreibung Dear developers,

here is a tought...
Would it be nice to have a 'RegisterFunction' function.

RegisterFunction('funtionname', 'parameter', 'includefile');

With that I can do something like:
$coreOPNclass->call('functionname', 'parameters');

This will give me some extra flexibility to register function that can be registered by a module so my theme can use it.

Currently there is a hard coded function on core called show_banner, but when I want to create my own banner module I need to create a hard coded function in the core.

The RegisterFunction function will give me the ability to create extra function in de core that are loaded/created by a module that can be used in my theme. The core can do the checking of the module is installed or not so my theme is not disturbed of the module is installed or not.

Get the idea?


Zusätzliche Information Wishticket 2 openphpnuke.com

Änderungsdatum Benutzername Feld Änderung
08.12.2003 22:49:08 hombergs Zusammenfassung Would it be nice to have a ‘RegisterFunction’ function. => Would it be nice to have a 'RegisterFunction' function.
08.12.2003 22:49:08 hombergs Beschreibung aktualisiert  
08.12.2003 22:38:13 [manne] Neuer Fehler  

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